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第 九 号
The Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China was revised and adopted at the Eighth session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 24, 2014, and the revised Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of January 1, 2015。

(Adopted at the Eleventh Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on December 26, 1989 and revised at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress on April 24, 2014) 
Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purpose of protecting and improving the environment, preventing and controlling pollution and other public hazards, safeguarding public health, advancing ecological civilization and promoting sustainable economic and social development。
第二条本法所称环境,是指影响人类生存和发展的各种天然的和经过人工改造的自然因素的总体,Including air, water, ocean, land, mineral resources, forests, grasslands, wetlands, wildlife, natural relics, human relics, nature reserves, scenic spots, cities and villages。
The State adopts economic and technological policies and measures conducive to saving and recycling resources, protecting and improving the environment, and promoting harmony between man and nature, so as to coordinate economic and social development with environmental protection。
Article 7 The State supports scientific and technological research, development and application of environmental protection, encourages the development of environmental protection industries, promotes the information construction of environmental protection, and raises the scientific and technological level of environmental protection。
Article 9 People's governments at all levels shall strengthen the publicity and popularization of environmental protection, encourage grassroots self-governing organizations of a mass nature, social organizations and environmental protection volunteers to carry out publicity of environmental protection laws, regulations and environmental protection knowledge, and create a good atmosphere for environmental protection。
Article 10 The competent department of environmental protection under The State Council shall exercise unified supervision and administration over the work of environmental protection throughout the country.The competent departments of environmental protection under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall exercise unified supervision and administration over the work of environmental protection within their respective administrative areas。
The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level and the environmental protection departments of the armed forces shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, exercise supervision and administration over environmental protection work such as resource protection and pollution prevention and control。
The competent department of environmental protection under The State Council shall, together with other relevant departments, work out the national environmental protection plan in accordance with the national economic and social development plan and submit it to The State Council for approval and promulgate it for implementation。
The competent environmental protection departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments, work out environmental protection plans for their respective administrative areas in accordance with the requirements of the State environmental protection plan and submit them to the people's governments at the same level for approval and promulgate them for implementation。
The content of the environmental protection plan shall include the objectives, tasks and safeguard measures for ecological protection and pollution prevention and control, and shall be in line with the main functional zone plan, the general plan for land use and the urban and rural planning。
Article 14 In formulating economic and technological policies, the relevant departments under The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall give full consideration to the impact on the environment and solicit the opinions of relevant parties and experts。
The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish local standards for environmental quality for items not specified in the national standards for environmental quality;For items already specified in the national standards for environmental quality, local standards for environmental quality that are stricter than the national standards for environmental quality may be formulated。地方环境质量标准应当报国务院环境保护主管部门备案。
The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish their local standards for the discharge of pollutants for items not specified in the national standards;For items already specified in the national standards for the discharge of pollutants, local standards for the discharge of pollutants that are stricter than the national standards for the discharge of pollutants may be formulated。地方污染物排放标准应当报国务院环境保护主管部门备案。
第十七条国家建立、健全环境监测制度。The competent department of environmental protection under The State Council shall formulate monitoring norms, organize monitoring networks in conjunction with relevant departments, uniformly plan the setting up of national environmental quality monitoring stations (points), establish monitoring data sharing mechanisms, and strengthen the management of environmental monitoring。
Article 18 People's governments at or above the provincial level shall organize relevant departments or entrust professional institutions to investigate and evaluate the environmental situation and establish a monitoring and early warning mechanism for the carrying capacity of environmental resources。
Article 20 The State establishes cross-administrative coordination mechanisms for joint prevention and control of environmental pollution and ecological damage in key regions and river basins, and implements unified planning, standards, monitoring and prevention and control measures。
The prevention and control of cross-administrative environmental pollution and ecological damage other than those provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be solved by the people's governments at higher levels through coordination or by the local people's governments concerned through consultation。
Article 21 The State adopts policies and measures in the areas of finance, taxation, pricing and government procurement to encourage and support the development of environmental protection industries such as environmental protection technology and equipment, comprehensive utilization of resources and environmental services。
Article 22 Where enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators further reduce the discharge of pollutants on the basis that the discharge of pollutants meets the statutory requirements, the people's government shall adopt policies and measures in the areas of finance, taxation, pricing and government procurement in accordance with law to encourage and support them。
Article 23 Where enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators, in order to improve the environment, change production, relocate or close down in accordance with relevant provisions, the people's government shall provide support。
Article 24 The competent departments for environmental protection of the people's governments at or above the county level, the environmental supervisory institutions entrusted by them and other departments responsible for environmental supervision and administration shall have the right to conduct on-site inspections of enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators that discharge pollutants。被检查者应当如实反映情况,提供必要的资料。实施现场检查的部门、机构及其工作人员应当为被检查者保守商业秘密。
第二十六条国家实行环境保护目标责任制和考核评价制度。People's governments at or above the county level shall include the completion of environmental protection objectives into the assessment content of the departments and their responsible persons who are responsible for environmental protection supervision and management of the people's governments at the same level and the people's governments at lower levels and their responsible persons, as an important basis for their assessment and evaluation。考核结果应当向社会公开。
Article 27 People's governments at or above the county level shall report annually to the people's congress at the corresponding level or the Standing Committee of the people's Congress on the state of the environment and the achievement of environmental protection objectives, and shall promptly report major environmental incidents to the Standing Committee of the people's Congress at the corresponding level and accept supervision according to law。
Article 30 The exploitation and utilization of natural resources shall be rationally exploited, biodiversity shall be protected, ecological security shall be ensured, and relevant ecological protection, restoration and management plans shall be formulated and implemented in accordance with the law。
第三十三条各级人民政府应当加强对农业环境的保护,促进农业环境保护新技术的使用,加强对农业污染源的监测预警,统筹有关部门采取措施,Prevention and control of soil pollution and land desertification, salinization, barren, stony desertification, land subsidence, and prevention and control of vegetation destruction, soil erosion, water eutrophication, water source depletion, seed source extinction and other ecological disorders,推广植物病虫害的综合防治。
第三十四条国务院和沿海地方各级人民政府应当加强对海洋环境的保护。The discharge of pollutants and dumping of wastes into the sea and the construction of coastal projects and Marine projects shall comply with the provisions of laws and regulations and the relevant standards, so as to prevent and reduce pollution damage to the Marine environment。
Article 35 The construction of urban and rural areas shall take into account the characteristics of the local natural environment, protect vegetation, water areas and natural landscapes, and strengthen the construction and management of urban gardens, green Spaces and scenic spots。
State organs and other organizations using financial funds shall give priority to the procurement and use of products, equipment and facilities that are conducive to environmental protection, such as energy-saving, water-saving and material-saving。
Article 38 Citizens shall abide by laws and regulations on environmental protection, cooperate with the implementation of environmental protection measures, classify and place household waste in accordance with regulations, and reduce the damage caused by daily life to the environment。
Article 39 The State establishes and improves environmental and health monitoring, investigation and risk assessment systems;To encourage and organize research on the impact of environmental quality on public health, and to take measures to prevent and control diseases related to environmental pollution。
Enterprises shall give priority to the use of clean energy, and adopt processes and equipment with high resource utilization rate and low pollutant discharge, as well as comprehensive waste utilization technology and harmless pollutant treatment technology to reduce the generation of pollutants。
第四十二条排放污染物的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者,应当采取措施,Prevent and control environmental pollution and harm caused by waste gas, waste water, waste residue, medical waste, dust, malodorous gases, radioactive substances, noise, vibration, optical radiation and electromagnetic radiation generated in production, construction or other activities。
It is strictly prohibited to illegally discharge pollutants through hidden pipes, seepage Wells, pits, perfusion, tampering, falsifying monitoring data, or abnormal operation of pollution prevention and control facilities to evade supervision。
第四十四条国家实行重点污染物排放总量控制制度。重点污染物排放总量控制指标由国务院下达,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府分解落实。While implementing the national and local standards for the discharge of pollutants, enterprises and public institutions shall, at the same time, comply with the total emission control targets for key pollutants implemented by their own units。
For areas that exceed the total emission control targets of key pollutants of the State or fail to meet the environmental quality targets determined by the State, the competent environmental protection departments of the people's governments at or above the provincial level shall suspend the examination and approval of the environmental impact assessment documents of the construction projects with the total emission of new key pollutants。
Enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators subject to the administration of discharge permits shall discharge pollutants in accordance with the requirements of discharge permits.Those who have not obtained a discharge permit shall not discharge pollutants。
Article 47 People's governments at all levels, their relevant departments, enterprises and institutions shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, do a good job in risk control, emergency preparedness, emergency handling and post-event recovery of environmental emergencies。
People's governments at or above the county level shall establish public monitoring and early warning mechanisms for environmental pollution and organize the formulation of early warning plans;When the environment is polluted, which may affect public health and environmental safety, early warning information shall be published in a timely manner according to law, and emergency measures shall be initiated。
企业事业单位应当按照国家有关规定制定突发环境事件应急预案,报环境保护主管部门和有关部门备案。When an environmental emergency occurs or is likely to occur, enterprises and institutions shall take immediate measures to deal with it, promptly notify the units and residents that may be harmed, and report to the competent environmental protection department and relevant departments。
After the completion of the emergency handling of environmental emergencies, the people's governments concerned shall immediately organize an assessment of the environmental impact and losses caused by the incident, and promptly publish the assessment results to the public。
Article 48 The production, storage, transportation, sale, use and disposal of chemical substances and articles containing radioactive substances shall comply with the relevant provisions of the State so as to prevent environmental pollution。
Article 49 People's governments at all levels and their agricultural and other relevant departments and institutions shall guide agricultural producers and operators in scientific planting and breeding, scientific and rational application of agricultural inputs such as pesticides and fertilizers, scientific disposal of agricultural wastes such as agricultural films and crop stalks, and prevention of pollution from non-point agricultural sources。
畜禽养殖场、养殖小区、定点屠宰企业等的选址、建设和管理应当符合有关法律法规规定。Units and individuals engaged in livestock breeding and slaughtering shall take measures to scientifically dispose of wastes such as feces, carcasses and sewage of livestock and poultry so as to prevent environmental pollution。
Article 50 People's governments at all levels shall allocate funds in their fiscal budgets to support environmental protection work such as the protection of rural drinking water sources, the treatment of domestic sewage and other wastes, the prevention and control of pollution from livestock and poultry breeding and slaughtering, the prevention and control of soil pollution and the control of pollution from rural industries and mines。
Article 51 People's governments at all levels shall coordinate urban and rural construction sewage treatment facilities and supporting pipe networks, environmental health facilities such as the collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste, facilities and sites for the centralized disposal of hazardous waste and other public facilities for environmental protection, and ensure their normal operation。
The competent environmental protection departments of the people's governments at all levels and other departments responsible for environmental supervision and administration shall, in accordance with the law, disclose environmental information, improve public participation procedures, and provide convenience for citizens, legal persons and other organizations to participate in and supervise environmental protection。
The competent departments of environmental protection of the people's governments at or above the county level and other departments responsible for environmental supervision and administration shall, in accordance with the law, disclose information such as environmental quality, environmental monitoring, environmental emergencies, environmental administrative licenses, administrative penalties, and the collection and use of pollution discharge fees。
The competent environmental protection departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level and other departments responsible for environmental protection supervision and management shall record the environmental illegal information of enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators into the social integrity archives, and promptly publish the list of offenders to the public。
Article 55 Key pollutants-discharging units shall truthfully disclose to the public the names of their major pollutants, the methods of discharge, the concentration and total amount of discharge, and the situation of excessive discharge, as well as the construction and operation of pollution prevention and control facilities, and accept social supervision。
Article 56 For a construction project that is required to prepare an environmental impact statement according to law, the construction unit shall, at the time of preparation, explain the situation to the potentially affected public and fully solicit opinions。
The department responsible for examining and approving the environmental impact assessment documents of construction projects shall, after receiving the environmental impact report of construction projects, publish the full text except for matters involving state secrets and commercial secrets;If it is found that the construction project has not fully solicited public opinions, the construction unit shall be instructed to solicit public opinions。
Article 57 Citizens, legal persons and other organizations who discover that any unit or individual has committed acts of environmental pollution or ecological destruction shall have the right to report such acts to the competent department for environmental protection or other departments responsible for environmental supervision and administration。
Citizens, legal persons and other organizations that find that the local people's governments at various levels, the competent environmental protection departments of the people's governments at or above the county level and other departments responsible for environmental protection supervision and administration fail to perform their duties according to law shall have the right to report to their higher authorities or supervisory organs。
Article 58 For acts that pollute the environment, destroy the ecology or harm the social public interests, social organizations that meet the following conditions may bring a lawsuit in a people's court:
Article 59 Where enterprises, public institutions or other producers and business operators discharge pollutants in violation of the law and are fined and ordered to make corrections, but refuse to make corrections, the administrative organ that has made the decision on punishment according to law may, starting from the next day after the date of ordering the correction, impose a continuous penalty in accordance with the original amount of punishment。
The fines and penalties provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be enforced in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and determined by factors such as the operating costs of pollution prevention and control facilities, direct losses caused by illegal acts or illegal gains。
Article 61 Where a construction unit starts construction without submitting the environmental impact assessment documents of a construction project in accordance with law or without approval of the environmental impact assessment documents, the department responsible for environmental protection supervision and administration shall order it to stop construction, impose a fine, and may also order it to restore to the original state。
Article 62 If, in violation of the provisions of this Law, a major pollutant discharge unit fails to disclose or does not disclose the environmental information truthfully, the competent department of environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level shall order the disclosure, impose a fine, and make a public announcement。
(3) Illegally discharging pollutants through hidden pipes, seepage Wells, pits, perfusion, tampering or falsifying monitoring data, or abnormal operation of pollution prevention and control facilities to evade supervision and control;
Article 64 Anyone who causes damage due to environmental pollution or ecological destruction shall bear tort liability in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Tort Liability Law of the People's Republic of China。
Where an administrative penalty should be imposed according to law, but the competent department of environmental protection does not impose an administrative penalty, the competent department of environmental protection of the people's government at a higher level may directly make a decision on administrative penalties。
Article 68 The local people's governments at various levels, the competent environmental protection departments of the people's governments at or above the county level, or other departments responsible for environmental protection supervision and management have any of the following acts,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予记过、记大过或者降级处分;造成严重后果的,给予撤职或者开除处分,其主要负责人应当引咎辞职:
(4) failing to promptly investigate and deal with behaviors such as excessive discharge of pollutants, discharge of pollutants by means of evading supervision, causing environmental accidents, and failure to implement ecological protection measures resulting in ecological damage upon discovery or receipt of reports;